La différence entre le common man/man in the street et le little guy c'est que pour être politiquement correct il faut inclure les femmes. Sans les vexer.
The populist metaphorical cause was saved, however, by the recent neutering of the formerly male guy; "you guys" is now sexless, or at least partly gender free, a grammatical manifestation of the new inclusiveness. I use the qualifier "partly" because the feminist magazine Bitch complains in its mission statement that "Hollywood continues to churn out movies where women's only lines are 'Help me,' 'C'mere, Big Guy' and 'Oh, honey, I missed you so much while you were out saving humanity."' In current usage, women are part of the army of the little guy, but are never included in the capitalized Big Guy.Ce message vous a été offert par le comité de lutte contre les clichés au cinéma.